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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/05/05
MAY 5, 2008
7:00 pm
*****DRAFT*****                                                   *****DRAFT*****

Present:  Chairman Richard Leone, Vice-Chairman Stephen White, William Roach, Emma Smith, Frederick Gallup, Town Manager Donna Nashawaty, June Fichter – LSPA, Ron Verblauw – LSPA, Peggy Chalmers – LSPA, Tony Bergeron – Road Agent

Also attending:  See sign-in sheet.

Items for signature:  Minutes of April 21, 2008 and list on copy of agenda attached to official minutes.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Leone at 7:02PM.


Steve White reported that the Waste Management Committee has met several times and has decided to emphasize more recycling.  The Committee is recommending raising the C & D price to $40.00 per cubic yard.  The charge is now $20.00 which only covers half the cost for the town to handle.  The Board of Selectmen will discuss the recommendation at its meeting on June 2, 2008.  If a public hearing is needed, the Town Manager will advertise it.  Donna advised the Board they also need to think about how high to raise the charge if they need it to also cover the expense of the truck used.  Tony Bergeron advised that the charge was, originally, just to offset the tipping fee.  Donna gave the Board members a copy of the expense summary for them to review.

June Fichter reviewed the Watershed Plan.  A copy was given to the Board of Selectmen.  It is also available electronically.  Each town and libraries will get hard copies.  It is meant to be a model for other municipalities and watersheds.  There are several pages of recommendations.

Peggy Chalmers explained that the more effective way to protect water quality is to look at it as a watershed basis.  There is a SWAC committee (Sunapee Watershed Area Coalition).  She explained that the lake quality has a financial impact on the towns, businesses and tax base.  Lake Sunapee is in pretty good shape, but there are signs of impact and she reviewed the various types.  They come from storm water runoff, septic systems, fertilizers, and development erosion.  There is a lot of volunteer monitoring of Lake Sunapee and other lakes and ponds.  Three of the recommendations are controlling storm water runoff, managing septic systems, and improving the permitting process.

June advised that they need to limit the storm water runoff as this creates a lot of sediment.  An action plan might include the Storm Water Guide which was a result of the Chalk Pond problem.  It is meant for contractors and homeowners.  It is being adopted in Newbury and can be given out with a building permit.  She advised that Newbury created an ordinance to deal with runoff.  She also advised that sewer systems for other areas and water bodies would be good.  Sunapee has a sewer system for much of the shore front of Lake Sunapee.  They recommend that towns create a database of septic systems and track their maintenance.  They would have to investigate what a reasonable maintenance plan would be.  The towns could give out maintenance information and record the septic plans with the issuance of the building permit.  They recommend improvement and understanding of current ordinance compliance such as comparing building permits and processes to increase landowner awareness and responsibility and ask homeowners to commit to best management practices.  Ask where fuel for heating systems will be stored and a synopsis of any wetland approval.  SWAC is asking the town for their continued support.

Donna announced that there will be a tour of the new LSPA facility at 5:30PM on May 9, 2008 if anyone would like to attend.

Steve White noted that it is important to look out for water control and, perhaps, they need to increase wastewater treatment.  Dick Leone stated he applauds them for all the work they do.  

Donna asked if grants are available for permitting, sewering, or creation and maintenance of database.  June said she would look into it.  Emma asked if erosion control can be dealt with by the Planning Board and Peggy stated she gave some information to the Town Planner.  There are some areas that may need to be looked at.  They may deal with this in the Master Plan or at the end of the year with some recommendations.  

Harbor Loop
Tony Bergeron reported that he has received the base map from the engineering company.  The drawing has all the physical features.  He advised they can put in changes and then look at both.  He would like to bring in a proposal for their input.  Donna will schedule a work session for Monday, May 12, 2008 at 5:00 PM and a public hearing for May 19, 2008.  Gene Hall asked if this would be put in place before the summer as he thinks it is optimistic and seems lake an aggressive schedule.  They might need more advertisement and time.  Fred explained that public hearings and advertised and people need to come and speak.  He also noted that every Board of Selectmen meeting is posted and open to the public.  Donna explained that they have to look at where they can put parking spaces and that is what the work session is for.  Bill advised that the people voted for this at town meeting and gave them permission to do it.

Perkins Pond
The Board of Selectmen would like to see sewer lines at Perkins Pond.  Donna advised that the Perkins Pond Association is working on it and will probably come forward with a proposal at a later time.

High Street Bridge
Donna advised they now have closure on the High St. bridge project.  The cost was $390,000.00 which included the contractor and engineer.  The State has paid $122,000.00 and owes a balance of $190,000.00.  She has sent a request for the payment to the State.

Fiber Initiative
Donna reported that the last set of plans is a business plan to get private financing.  The area goes from Orford to Newbury.  It has to be funded on its own and they are still working on it.  The cost would be $25,421,000.00 with a 9 year payback.  It will be paid for by the users and has to stand on its own.

Gore Lot
Donna has received some calls regarding use of the road which is private.  People now park on the side of the road.  Access is over a private right of way.  She has sent the information on to the town attorney.

Real Estate Tax Lien
Donna reported that the tax lien was executed as of today.  It is about $10,000.00 to $12,000.00 more than it normally is.  Tax deeding is tomorrow.

Sullivan County Report
The Sullivan County Report is available at Town Hall and is also available on line.

Lake Avenue Speed Bumps
Donna reported that the Highway Safety Committee met this morning to discuss speed bumps on Lake Ave.  They all agreed there are pros and cons.  IF the Board of Selectmen approves, she will post a public meeting to get input.

Town/Library/Riverway Document
Donna advised that the attorney thinks they just need a purchase and sales agreement.  She will review the document and bring it back with draft details.

Dick stated that the sense of the coalition is that we recommend that the Representatives not vote for it.  Fred noted anything that promotes a donor town situation has to be defeated.  Emma stated that they need a Constitutional Amendment.  Bill reported that the $5.50 statewide property tax proposed would be double (see copy of email attached to the official minutes).  Dick reported there is another $80,000,000.00 unaccounted for that could be added on to the tax.  The County deficit is $2,500,000.00.  Sue Gottling advised they are working on it.  They have to have Constitutional Amendment CACR34.  Another constitutional amendment is out by the speaker that will be high donor towns will be hit harder.  The Board was in agreement that it does not support SB539.

County Deficit
Sue Gottling reported on an amendment the County is talking about to pay off the deficit.  She advised that the Commission has no right to do deficit funding (cannot borrow money).  The amendment proposes raising the money through county taxes for no more than 5 years to cover the accumulated deficit as of the end of this year.  They cannot go beyond that.  The Legislature can adopt it.  Gene Hall stated he thinks the County has no idea what their expenses are and have no plan to reduce their expenses.  Sue reported that the new nursing home administrator has adjusted staffing.  It is a way of not running it up higher.  Efforts have been made to change what has been going on.  Sue advised they have worked very hard so this will not happen again.

Street Name Applications
A motion was made by Steve White to accept the street name of Nature’s Way.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith and approved unanimously.  A motion was made by Steve White to accept the street name of SooNipi Circle.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith and approved with one abstention (FG).

Use of Town Facilities
A motion was made by Emma Smith to approve the application of the LCOA at Dewey Beach on June 28, 2008.  The motion was seconded by William Roach and approved unanimously.  A motion was made by Steve White to approve the application of Cutting/Lloyd for the Gazebo on June 10, 2008.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith and approved unanimously.

Donna advised that she has the book Understanding New Hampshire Tax.  It is an assessing manual and will be in the front lobby at Town Hall

9:09 PM
A motion was made by Steve White to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3,II (personnel).  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup and approved unanimously.

9:21 PM
The board came out of non-public session and voted to seal the minutes under RSA 91-A:3,III.

9:22 PM
A motion was made by Steve White to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3,II (personnel).  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup and approved unanimously.

10:09 PM
The board came out of non-public session and voted to seal the minutes under RSA 91-A:3,III.

The meeting adjourned at 10:10 PM.

Submitted by,
Joan Bleau
Recording Secretary                             Approved:                               

Richard Leone, Chairman                 Stephen White, Vice Chairman

Frederick Gallup                                William Roach